P3.express fiction creates its own universe.  Memorable characters populate it, with adventure, crime and evil spells strewn across their daily routines in heaping measure.

P3.express fiction aims to promote this minimalist, practical project management system. It is easy to learn, easy to use, open and free under a Creative Commons license.

Despite the existence of fundamental methods such as PRINCE2® and the PMBOK® Guide, many projects are run intuitively. Fundamental standards, while invaluable, may be too complex for smaller and less intricate projects.

P3.express uses a cyclical system to make the activities simpler and more regular. There are monthly, weekly, and daily cycles. Each of these focuses on one aspect of managerial activities.

In addition to the cycles, a project initiation activity group runs at the beginning Plus a project closure activity group takes place at project’s end.

Finally, there’s a post-project activity group. This cycle runs after the project finishes, to evaluate the benefits.

Using P3.express can be real fun, and that’s one good reason for learning it.

Managing projects is a job filled with excitement and discovery, and P3.express absolutely embodies this spirit. But to take real interest in something new and become eager to explore the novelty, our passions need to drive us.

P3.express fiction offers a focus on emotions that influence our behaviour.

“The Harmony Project with P3.express” offers some juicy bit to chew on to just about everyone involved in project management.

Project management involves different roles, and quite a few of these come alive in P3.express fiction.

In particular, projects need educated executives or sponsors and this novella aims to wake senior executives’ curiosity in understanding their role and responsibilities better.

Over and above that, “The Harmony Project with P3.express” may give a gentle nudge to all those who feel the need for a better way of managing projects but are lost among choices.  It can also be useful for the practicing project managers who want to improve the quality of their work.

And last but not least, certified P3.express trainers may be drawn to P3.express fiction and consider recommending it as pre-course reading or incorporating it in the actual training.

Some readers may see the book as an initiation into P3.express. Some will conclude that  P3.express has a lot to offer them, and enrol in a training course, or pursue further learning through self-study.

Others may find out about the book after they finish training and achieve certification. P3.express fiction could assist and guide them in the real-life application of this project management system.

“The Harmony Project with P3.express” (originally published as “The Halls of Harmony Project”) aims to help P3.express to win the uphill struggle for recognition by charming potential champions of the method with humour and emotions.

“The Artolibre Project Jinx” is a sequel to the first P3.express novel that offers a reunion with many familiar characters.

Didi, now a veteran project manager, has been entrusted with delivery of a mega-project. Mirai, once a green horn, has become a confident P3.express practitioner.

Anan, the flamboyant CEO of Artophyle Inc. remains true to his character, never hesitating to get hands dirty. And Chief Detector Klebb, a cynic and a sceptic, doggedly pursues a cold case across half the globe.

You’ll also get to know Yücel, a high-flying executive bound in a veil of mistery; Che, the uncontested crime boss of Artopolis, as well as shamans and sorcerers cast in supporting roles. Introducing Paithoon, a colourful charmeur in a flashy guyabera, who has the mind of a meticulous schemer and instincts of a ruthless predator.

project management fiction p3.express

P3.express fiction – “The Harmony Project with P3.express” and “The Artolibre Project Jinx” are available
as both e-books and paperbacks.